One of my biggest challenges here is not having the space to
let my guard down. I find it exhausting keeping my emotions to myself and for
the most part I do a pretty good job at keeping them at arms’ length so I don’t
get swallowed whole by them and I don’t spill them into community life. It
feels pretty selfish of me to let this get to me but in many ways the whole
point of community life is to support each other with those things which is
probably why there are ongoing discussions as to whether to call this a ‘community’
or not.
My problem seems to be that when I feel completely powerless
that guard slips and the smallest of things will spark a torrent of emotion
over something that is actually very small. Part of me know that this is not
healthy means of existence at all (all of that has to go somewhere and if you’re
a bottler and have been telling yourself to let something go for so long
eventually that bottle will explode when it reaches tipping point) and the
other part knows that guard needs to stay in place so that I can actually do my
job effectively.
Because I live and work in the same place everyone sees
everything. All of the things that mean I can maintain an effective,
professional outlook at work get put to one side because there is no separation
and no other outlet for things. I also struggle to make close friends easily
and build the kind of relationships where people know there are times I need to
go ‘argh!’ and have a hug before I can be my normal, rational self.
I have another five weeks to go before I leave here and I
have no plan. That’s sort of ok for the moment but really stresses me out long
term. I don’t enjoy being bored at work and the last time I was unemployed I
signed on as a temp in a variety of places. Some of it was really interesting
and gave me great insight into how other businesses and organisations work but
some of it was so dull I actually started clock watching. It did help me earn
some money though and was much better than sitting at home doing nothing at
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